Please refer to ADFS certificate replacement documentation.Click here
The signature validation process failed. The certificate on identity provider gets renewed, but the OMREN federation still has the old one. Connect the support team to register the new organization metadata in the OMREN federation.
The ADFS server and OMREN federation have a different system clock (around 60 seconds or more). Slave your ADFS server system clock to the OMREN federation system clock.
Refresh your metadata. Run sync-ADFSTkAggregates.ps1 file in C:\ADFSToolkit\
It’s disabled by the OMREN federation due to ADFS certificate expiration. Please contact the OMREN support after the ADFS certificate replacement process is completed.
Check the ADFS certificate status, network ports (443 & 80), and firewall setting.
Update the email field in the user profile in your Active directory.
Please refer to SAML End Points documentation. SAML END POINT.txt and SAML END POINT.pdf
1- Refresh your metadata. Run sync-ADFSTkAggregates.ps1 file in C:\ADFSToolkit\
2- Check the ADFS logs. Open tools –> Event Viewer –> Application and services logs–> ADFS–> Admin
Check the certificate fingerprint characters and make sure no spaces between them.